Alice in Chains

Man in the Box

Alice in Chains

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Man in the Box

Year: 1990 - Album: Facelift

Written by Jerry Cantrell/ Layne Staley/ Sean Kinney/ Michael C. Starr/ Cantrell/ Staley

	  		Tuning: Eb, Ab, Db, Gb

Pre-Chorus					       Build Up
						       to Chorus 
						   x3 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

Chorus (ad lib this progression, cuz I can't follow exactly what he does)

For the solo, just repeat everything, the only change coming in the 
Pre-Chorus. For that you just play E|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-| four times with 
same rhythm.

That's about it...this tab is hardly perfect, and I know where my errors 
are, I just don't know the correct way to play them, but it sounds decent 
when you play it. Any corrections would be greatly appreciated, etc.

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