Ali Thomson

Aqua Blue

Ali Thomson

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Aqua Blue

Bmaj7       Gbsus2 
Ebm         Bbm 
Db7         Bsus2 
Fm7         Ebmaj7 

Verse 1:

Ebm Gbsus2 The summer rain that never came B/Gb Bbm Ab Ab/Eb Gb+ Hard times back again and there's a heat haze ri- sing Ebm Gbsus2 The endless plain turns to dust B/Gb Bbm Ab Ab/Eb Gb+ A million voices pray to us but we're stuck in the sand head in our hands
Ebm Db Ebm Db/Bb Gb7 B Fm7 Ebmaj7 Aqua blue sunlight is breaking through but every day I lose a piece of you aqua blue Ebm Db Ebm Db/Bb Gb7 B Fm7 Ebmaj7 Aqua blue dark days are coming soon but maybe we can turn the black into aqua blue

Verse 2:

Ebm Gbsus2 The coral seas look monochrome B/Gb Bbm Ab Ab/Eb Gb+ Nature turned to stone and there's a cruel wind blo- wing Ebm Gbsus2 Hurricanes and tempest skies B/Gb Bbm Ab Ab/Eb Gb+ Another fragile ocean cries but the voices we need still won't believe
Ebm Db Ebm Db/Bb Gb7 B Fm7 Ebmaj7 Aqua blue sunlight is breaking through but every day I lose a piece of you aqua blue Ebm Db Ebm Db/Bb Gb7 B Fm7 Ebmaj7 Aqua blue dark days are coming soon but maybe we can turn the black into aqua blue


Ebm Db/Ab Ebm9 Db/Ab B Db/Ab So make a change make a change yeah Ebm9 Db/Ab B Db Make a change make a change yeah B If everybody makes a change Db/Ab We might make it one more day Ebm9 B/Gb Living on this beautiful blue
Instrumental Bmaj7 Gbsus2 Ebm Bbm Db7 Bsus2 Fm7 Ebmaj7
Ebm Db Ebm Db/Bb Gb7 B Fm7 Ebmaj7 Aqua blue sunlight is breaking through but every day I lose a piece of you aqua blue Ebm Db Ebm Db/Bb Gb7 B Fm7 Ebmaj7 Aqua blue dark days are coming soon but maybe we can turn the black into aqua blue Gb7 B Fm7 Ebmaj7 Maybe we can turn the black into aqua blue
Outro Ebmaj7 Eb6 Ebmaj7 Eb6 ************************************

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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