Amazing Rhythm Aces

Amazing Grace (used To Be Her Favorite Song)

Amazing Rhythm Aces

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Amazing Grace (used To Be Her Favorite Song)

	  		G                     C               G  
Amazing Grace used to be her favorite song 
C              G  D         G  
Lord where has my good girl gone 
        G                             C         G    
She was all I ever wanted, she was an angel for sure 
    G      G/F# Em        A7                  D 
She stands even now in my memory so sweet and pure 
    C                G           C            Am 
But all that made me happy was a bottle and a song 
        G                          D               G  
Used to stay out drinkin while she cried all night long 
G                     C               G  
Amazing Grace used to be her favorite song 
C              G  D         G  
Lord where has my good girl gone 
    D                         C         G 
She thought she could make me change in while 
       D                            C          G 
So she learned how to drink and she learned to smile 
  C                     G                 C      C/B     Am  
I guess the pull of the bottle was just a little bit too strong 
          G             D                      G 
Now she’s left me and I don’t know where she’s gone 
G                     C               G  
Amazing Grace used to be her favorite song 
C              G  D         G  
Lord where has my good girl gone 
Steel Solo 
    D                                         C          G 
And then one night she said I’m goin’ but she didn’t say where 
   D                           C             G 
It didn’t seem to matter and I didn’t really care 
    C            G         C     C/B    Am  
But now that I’m sober and I can see it all 
  G           D             G 
I know I’m to blame for her fall 
G                     C               G  
Amazing Grace used to be her favorite song 
C              G  D         G  
Lord where has my good girl gone 
Lord where has my good girl gone 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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