Ana Free

In My Place

Ana Free

cavaco Expert expert


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In My Place

	  		Ana Free – In my place 

Don't run away, if you know that 
you've got what it takes. 
Don't shy away. Sleep now, dream here.  

And hopefully the night 
will release your fear.  
              C        G        F 
There will be tears to shed again. 
             C        G        F 
Time to begin, and time to end. 
             C       G       F 
Baby, and you say I'll be sad, 
but that depends.  

     Refrão : Baby now, 
 Dm                     Am                      G 
come on recognize me, I know that you know my face. 
 Dm                    Am                          C 
Weren't you the one who told me once you would be there? 
 Dm                     Am              C  Am   G    F 
And everytime I try to walk away, you keep me in my place. 
Dm                          Am                     G 
I try to break away but I'm much too much too scared. Yeah, 
Dm                          Am                     G 
I try to break away but I'm much too much too scared. 

Think your chance.                              Dm 
Cause life will grant you one and that's your last. 
Baby, don't think too fast.  No, no.  
Cause you can't have mine, 
cause all I do is move you 'round in time. 
                    C         G        F 
Baby, there will be nights to sleep alone. 
          C          G        F 
Time to fight, and time to grow. 
              C       G     F 
Baby, and you say I'll be sad, 
but you don't know.  

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Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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