Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

Crazy Jane

Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

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Crazy Jane

	  		“CRAZY JANE” by Angry Johnny And The Killbillies 

Bonesaw Lullaby 

  D                           G 
I told him I would give him a ten minute head start 
      C                                    G 
If he headed north he just might reach the river 
   D                                      G 
He begged me to forgive him I said you’re breaking my cold heart 
    C                                 G 
I’m showing you more quarter than you gave her 

       Am               C             G 
So you better stop your crying better run now while you can 
       Am              C            G 
‘cause I’ve got half a mind just to shoot you where you stand 
Am          C              G 
I myself do wonder why I;m giving you this chance 
         Am              C              G 
That the others won’t be so inclined to offer 

  D                                 G 
I do not know what happened between you and Crazy Jane 
        C                  G 
She was not an easy one to take to 
      D                            G 
But I swear you will be sorry if I see your face again 
           C                                G 
And if the others find you they will surely hang you 

   Am             C           G 
So run now mother fucker fast as your feet can fly 
Am                C        G 
Run north for the river or surely you will die 
    Am                C              G 
But one chance I will give you don’t waste time wondering why 
        Am              C                G 
There’s twenty on their way here just to kill you 

          D                      G 
Heard the volley of gunfire as I slowly rode away 
          C                           G 
From that place that I will nevermore return to 
      D                                 G 
Don’t know if that old bastard made the river edge that day 
     C                             G 
Information that I have no wish to learn 

Am             C             G 
Crazy Jane was nothing but a seething ball of hate 
Am           C            G 
Crazy as her brothers and deserving of her fate 
        Am            C                  G 
They’ll meet again in Hell hope she does not have long to wait 
        Am           C                 G 
I would not wish her damned soul to be lonely 

        D                                G 
They’ll shout out from the Bible as they lay her body down 
        C                                         G 
They’ll turn those words to something that’s pure evil 
   D                                              G 
My family blood is soaked deep into this mountain ground 
    C                                       G 
For centuries they’ve been bleeding for the Devil 

   Am         C        G 
So lie sister lie down under these stones 
Am         C            G 
Lie sister lie with our ancestor’s bones 
   Am          C                G 
If only it had weight enough to keep your evil down 
Am                 C             G 
Lie there with the ones who came before you(x2) 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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