Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

The Arms Of A Stranger

Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

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The Arms Of A Stranger

C                G 
In the arms of a stranger 
  Am            G7 
I will not find peace 
  C            G 
But just for a while 
      Am           G7 
Maybe one night at least 
        C            G 
I'll forget that you left me 
        Am             G7 
I'll forget that you're gone 
And I won't feel like dying 
until the morning comes 
I'll love you forever 
but I guess it takes two 
And you won't let anyone 
ever love you 
Yes I know your sad story 
but it's time to get on 
with this business of living 
'fore this short life is gone 
Now days are the same 
I don't notice the weather 
Don't know anything 
except we're not together 
Nothing makes sense 
since these ties you have severed 
What's a poor fool to do 
except love you forever 
The arms of a stranger 
won't help me at all 
So I sit in my darkness 
just hoping you'll call 
But I don't hear no ringing 
No I don't hear a sound 
So I open the bottle 
force another one down 
The arms of a stranger 
won't help me at all 
So I sit here in the darkness 
just hoping you'll call 
But I don't hear no ringing 
No I don't hear a sound 
So I open the bottle 
force another one down 
I open the bottle 
force another one down 
Force another one down 
Force another one down 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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