Anna Ternheim

For The Young

Anna Ternheim

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For The Young

Written by Anna Ternheim

Intro:  A F#m (2x) 

verse 1 
Anyone in there 
Knock, knock, knock 
I think I see you 
among the shadows 
they still cling to the wall 
And your mind feeds them 
           A   B   D         F#m 
You're the vic-tim of like a meaning 
         A  B  D                 F#m 
Feeling sor-ry is your favourite feeling 

Bm G Why am I supposed to excuse you D A Nod my head as if I'm amused Bm D Give me a reason to lay down my guns A G A You said youth is only... for the young
Interlude: A F#m verse 2 A You shut out the light F#m In your home A And all that remains F#m You let go of laughter A B Someone left it there D F#m Half a lifetime ago
Bm G Why am I supposed to excuse you D A Nod my head as if I'm amused Bm D Give me a reason to lay down my guns A You said youth is Bm G Why am I supposed to excuse you D A Nod my head as if I'm amused Bm D Give me a reason to lay down my guns A G You said youth is only
Bridge A G E for the young Solo: Bm D A E Bm D A
Bm G Bm Why am I supposed to excuse you D A Nod my head as if I'm amused Bm You never gave up D You never begun A G You said youth is only... for the young.

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