April Kry

While Were Young

April Kry

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While Were Young

G C 


Verse 1:

C G C I see your shadow in the headlights In my driveway as my heart beats G Am I hear your footsteps on my front porch C G The clock strikes midnight and I can't breathe Am7 We know that we don't have much time C To Chase the moon to the sunrise Just let me get lost in your eyes
G Flying high D Falling fast C Makin every second last Em7 Giving in D Giving it up C While we're young G Lovin crazy D Running free C Being who we wanna be G C While we're young G D While we're young Em7 D While we're young

Verse 2:

G Am7 You whisper softly that you missed me C When you're not with me you can't breathe G Am7 On a blanket wrapped in the starlight C You kiss me and it never felt so right Lost in the music of the night
G Flying high Falling fast C Makin every second last Em Giving in D Giving it up C While we're young G Lovin crazy Running free C Being who we wanna be Em G C While we're young G D While we're young Em D While we're young


G Take me take me baby D Love me love like crazy Em7 D I can't get enough G Live while we're, love while we're live while we're young Live while we're, love while we're live while we're young
G Flying high Falling fast C Makin every second last Em7 Giving in D Giving it up C While we're young G Lovin crazy Running free C Being who we wanna be G C While we're young G C While we're young Em D C While we're young
G C Live while we're, love while we're live while we're young G C Live while we're, love while we're live while we're young G Live while we're, love while we're live while we're young

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