


cavaco Easy easy


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Written by Roya Arab

Intro (0:00) 

Gm F Gm F 
Gm F Gm F 

Verse (0:23)  

Gm             F 
Energy from every pore 
Gm             F 
Make what you will 
Gm F Gm F 

Verse (0:45) 

        Gm           F 
Are you with or without 
               Gm       F 
The force cannot be blamed 
            Gm        F 
Just the hunger or greed 
            Gm       F 
Supplying the ugly drive 

Pre-Chorus (1:08) 

Gm     F           Gm 
Dirty water no profit to supply 
Gm       F               Gm 
That round travelled far too long 

Gm F Gm Gm 

Rap Part (1:43) 

In every direction you turn touch fire and you burn 
      F                                              Gm 
Earn self recognition over all the preoccupying nonsense 
I plead my inner sense savour this aroma of a new experience 
High intelligence bound for the underground we burrow deep down 
F                                     Gm 
I originate like the word individual visual visionary I vary 
               F                                             Gm 
And all others see my eye view so multiply through the big bad city 
With a human emotion running wild not fit for the child of all ages 
       Gm                                            F 
Accelerate speed of life moving closer to the centre enter at ya own 
If ya will still the hustling bustling busy bee hive is alive 
F                                                 Gm 
And kicking I'm picking the moment I gotta get away from this 
                        F                                     Gm 
Monotonous call the capital 'L' loving every minute that I'm in it. 

Violin Part (2:30) 

Gm F Gm Gm 
Gm F Gm Gm 
Gm F Gm Gm 

Keyboard and singin part(3:03) 

Gm F Gm Gm 
Gm F Gm Gm 

Solo (3:25) 

Gm Gm Gm Gm 
Gm Gm Gm Gm 
Gm Gm Gm Gm 
Gm Gm Gm Gm 
Gm C  Gm Gm 

Outro (4:33) 

Gm F Gm Gm 
Gm F Gm Gm 
Gm F Gm Gm 
Gm F Gm Gm 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:


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