Belle and Sebastian

Suicide Girl

Belle and Sebastian

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Suicide Girl

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Intro: D A Em7 G E|-2-----|-0-----|-0-----|-------| B|---3---|---2---|---3-0-|-------| G|-----2-|-----2-|-------|-0-----| (2x) D|-------|-------|-------|-------| A|-------|-------|-------|-------| E|-------|-------|-------|-------|

Verse 1:

D A My friend, She wants, Em7 G To be a suicide girl. D A I'll take her picture, Em7 For the whole wide world. G D I've known her for a long time, G D You could say that I'm a fan, G F#m A7 But I always thought that I would be her man.

Verse 2:

D A My friend, she wants, Em7 G to be a girl of suicide D A She wants, an outlet, Em7 G for her radical side G D I know that she is special G D I can see what she has got G F#m But what I have loved and guarded close Bm Em7 She'll take and to the world expose G A7 She gives it all away


D A Em7 G D A Em7 G G D G D G F#m A7

Verse 3:

D A My friend, she sometimes, Em7 G gets anxiety and stress. D A Em7 G She got, a manual from the N.H.S. G D She proclaimed a week of sadness, G D She's abstained from telling jokes G F#m The world would see a poet emerge Bm Em7 A butterfly to empathy G D I know that I could do it G D I'm into light, I'm into shade G F#m But let's face the facts we ain't going back Bm Em7 G When she takes off her clothes we'll never be the same again
( A7 D )

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