Black Eyed Peas

It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday

Black Eyed Peas

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It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday

	  		  E               Bsus  B              A         Amin  E 
How do I say goodbye             to what we had? 
          A                                     E 
The good times that made us laugh 
                      Bsus  B 
Outweigh the bad.  
                       E                    Ab 
I thought we'd get to see forever 
          C#m E         A#6 Amin sus6 (or F#7/A, however you want to look at it) 
But forever's  gone away 
          E                        B                        A  Amin   E 
It's so hard to say goodbye      to yesterday. 

(same chords) 
I don't know where this road 
Is going to lead 
All I know is where we've been 
And what we've been through. 

If we get to see tomorrow 
I hope it's worth all the wait 
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday. 

And I'll take with me the memories 
To be my sunshine after the rain 
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday. 

And I'll take with me the memories 
To be my sunshine after the rain 
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday. 


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