Blackberry Smoke

Holding All The Roses

Blackberry Smoke

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Holding All The Roses

	  		Intro D5/A  F  Em  D5/A 

Verse 1:

F5 You look like you've seen a ghost F5 I don't think it's even gonna be close G5 Your rabbit's foot and your four leaf clover G5 Throw them away and start all over
D5 Bb5 Here I am see me comin' around G5 D5 Swinging out wide with the hammer down Bb5 There I go watch me leave you behind G5 D5 Holding all the roses on the other side
( D5/A F Em D5/A )

Verse 2:

F5 The odds against me were 20 to 1 F5 Carry that weight like it weighs a ton G5 Ain't no luck in a gasoline rainbow G5 Come on drop that rag away we go
D5 Bb5 Here I am see me comin' around G5 D5 Swinging out wide with the hammer down Bb5 There I go watch me leave you behind G5 D5 Holding all the roses on the other side
Solo A5 C5 A5 Bb5 D5 Bb5 G5 D5 Bb5 G5 D5
D5 Bb5 Here I am see me comin' around G5 D5 Swinging out wide with the hammer down Bb5 There I go watch me leave you behind G5 D5 Holding all the roses on the other side Bb5 G5 D5 Here I am ain't a thing you can do Bb5 G5 D5 F Em There I go it's the end of the line
Final D5/A F Em D5/A F Em D5/A

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