Blackberry Smoke

Lucky Seven

Blackberry Smoke

cavaco Beginner beginner


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Lucky Seven


I ain't never been prison 
       C                  G 
But I probably should've gone 
'Cause I broke the law 12 dozen times 
        C            G 
But I never did get caught 
I'm a different kind of daredevil 
        C              G 
Than a lot of folks I know 
    G                 C                 G 
But I still walk the tight rope with no net down below 
Hey I'm lucky as a seven 
    C              G 
I dance to my own tune 
   G                                   D 
I may not get to heaven Lord for the wicked things I do 
If you want to walk in my boots 
     C               G 
And take all that I took 
     C                  G 
It ain't as easy as it looks 

G G C G 

Life ain't always simple 
        C               G 
Some things you can't explain 
If you quit that's what you get 
             D              G 
'Cause you couldn't take a pain 
I ain't never had it easy 
        C              G 
That's just the way it is 
But if circumstance opened up the chance 
     C          G 
I'd do it all again 
Hey I'm lucky as a seven 
    C              G 
I dance to my own tune 
   G                                   D 
I may not get to heaven Lord for the wicked things I do 
If you want to walk in my boots 
      C              G 
And take all that I took 
             C          G 
It ain't as easy as it looks 
          D        C     D 
Ain't no place to turn around 
         C               G 
If I scream don't come unwound 


Hey I'm lucky as a seven 
   C              G 
I dance to my own tune 
   G                                  D 
I may not get to heaven Lord for the wicked things I do 
If you want to walk in my boots 
     C               G 
And take all that I took 
             C          G 
It ain't as easy as it looks 
             C          G 
It ain't as easy as it looks 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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