Bobby Darin


Bobby Darin

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Written by Bobby Darin

	  		Intro: C 

C                                         Bb C 
Did you hear the story 'bout old Bullmoose? 
   Cm                   C             Bb C 
He played piano, really tore it loose. 
    F                                   Eb F 
Whenever his heart was filled with gloom, 
     Cm                     C            Bb C 
he'd beat out a song in the old lunchroom. 
        G                   F 
All the guys and gals would gather 'round 
C       G         F         G 
just to hear that Bullmoose sound..sayin'.. 

Cm C G Go Bullmoose!..go Bullmoose!..go Bullmoose! C Go Bullmoose!
#2. Cm C F C Bullmoose playin' on a Friday night. Cm C F C Two bad boys got up to fight. F One old man yelled, 'Hey, keep quiet!' Cm C The next thing you know they started a riot. G F C While everybody was-a jumpin' around, all G you could hear was that Bullmoose sound.. sayin'..
Cm C G Go Bullmoose!..go Bullmoose!..go Bullmoose! C Eb G Go Bullmoose..turn 'em loose!
INTERLUDE: C F C G F C G #3. Cm C Bullmoose goin' to a party one day. Cm Everybody asked him, 'Won't you sit down C and play?' F Cm F Cm F When all of a sudden the room began to shake. C 'Whoops!' he cried, 'It's a real earthquake!' G F While the people were fallin' into holes in the ground. C G C All you could hear was that Bullmoose sound.. sayin'..
Cm C G Go Bullmoose!..go Bullmoose!..go Bullmoose! C G Go Bullmoose..come on Bullmoose! Yeah! oh, yeah! C Let me hear it like it is, Bullmoose!..(Fade.)

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