Bobby Vee

Walkin With My Angel

Bobby Vee



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Walkin With My Angel

Written by Gerry Goffin/Carole King

	  		Intro: C G C G 
C                    F        
Ain't no guy in town 
                    C                               F 
Who would ever try to put me down 
                C               G                           C        G7 
When I'm walkin' walkin' with my angel, whoa-uh-oh 
C                               F 
'cause every guy I see 
                     C                     F 
Is a-wishin' that-a he were me 
C               G                           C         C7 
When I'm walkin' walkin' with my angel (angel) 
a-when we're strollin' hand in hand 
I'm as happy as can be 
Aww, she's the prettiest girl in town 
           G                                               G7 
And everyone can see she belongs to me 
C                F 
Well I feel so proud 
C                                          F 
It's as good as walkin' on a cloud 
C               G                           C         C7 
When I'm walkin' walkin' with my angel 
a-when we're strollin' hand in hand 
I'm as happy as can be 
Aww, she's the prettiest girl in town 
           G                                               G7 
And everyone can see she belongs to me 
C                F 
Well I feel so proud 
C                                          F 
It's as good as walkin' on a cloud 
C               F           G                       C         G7 
When I'm walkin' walkin' with my angel 
               F           G                       C         G7 
Aww, when I'm walkin' walkin' with my angel 
               F           G                       C         G7 
Yeah, when I'm walkin' walkin' with my angel  


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