Boyz ll men

On Bended Knee

Boyz ll men

cavaco Beginner beginner

by  TH3_1

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On Bended Knee

Written by James Harris III/Terry Lewis

	  		Darlin Eb I {Eb7M} can't explain, Where did we{Eb7}lose our way, 
 Girl its Ab7}drivin me in{Ab/Bb}sane And I {Eb}know I just need one 
more chance 
 to Eb7}prove my love to you, If you {Ab}come back to me, Ab/FI 
guarantee that 
 I'll Ab/Bb}never let you go. 
 (Chorus) Can we {Eb}go back to the Db/Eb}way our love was {Ab}strong? 
 Ab/Bb}Can you {Eb}tell me how a Eb7}perfect love goes {Ab}wrong? 
 Ab/Bb}Can somebody {Eb}tell me how to{Eb7} get things back the {Ab}way 
they used to Abm}be 
 Oh Eb/Bb}God give {Cm}me a Ab/F}reason I'm Ab/Bb}down on bended 
 {Eb}So many nights I {Eb7M}dream of you. Holding Eb7}pillow tight I 
know I don't {Ab}need to be a{Ab/Bb}lone. 
 When I {Eb}open up my eyes to {Eb7M}face reality, Every Eb7}moment 
without you seems like eternity 
 I'm {Ab}begging you, begging you Ab/Bb}come back to me. 
 Gonna Cm7}swallow my pride Eb/Bb}Say I'm sorry, {Ab}Stop pointing 
fingers, Ab/F}the blame is on me.{G} 
 I Cm7}want a new life And I {G+/B}want it with you, If Eb/Bb}you feel 
the same, Ab/F}Don't ever Ddim7/G}let it go. 
 Cm7}You gotta believe in the {G+/B}spirit of love. It can Eb/Bb}heal 
all things. We won't {Ab}hurt anymore. 
 No I Ab/F}don't believe our G7}love's termi{Cm7}nal. I'm {AbM7}down 
on my knees, A/B}begging you please, come {E}home. 
 (up another 1/2 step) Bb/C F 


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