Brandi Carlile


Brandi Carlile

cavaco Easy easy


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Written by Brandi Carlile/Tim Hanseroth

          Em    D      G 
Take me back Josephine 
        C               D 
To that cold and dark December 
        Em    D       G     C          D 
I am missing someone but I don稚 know who 
        Em   D    G 
Now I知 standing alone 
        C            D 
And I知 trying to remember 
    Em       D     G     C 
Sometimes I wonder how I ever 
   D             G 
Started loving you 

 C       G             D 
Noontime wind can you blow 
        Em               C 
For me one more time and take me 
    G          D 
On back to the start 
          C        G 
Where the midnight moon 
Shines so bright 
        Em            C 
Nearly pulled us up to heaven 
       G               D 
By the strings of our hearts 

C       G             D 
Morning sun shine on me 
      Em               C 
Come light inside my window 
    G          D 
And rest on my brow 
C       G             D 
Kiss my eyes when I sleep 
     Em               C 
And carry me back home 
    G          D 
If my dreams will allow 

        Em    D      G 
Take me back Josephine 
        C               D 
To that cold and dark December 
        Em    D       G     C          D 
I am missing someone but I don稚 know who 
        Em   D    G 
Now I知 standing alone 
        C            D 
And I知 trying to remember 
    Em       D     G     C 
Sometimes I wonder how I ever 
   D             G 
Started loving you 

         Em      D     G     C   D         G 
someone help me understand why I知 still loving you 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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