Brandon Lake

Coat Of Many Colors

Brandon Lake

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Coat Of Many Colors

Written by Brandon Lake / Jonathan Smith / Leeland Mooring

	  		Intro G7M  Bm7  A4 

Verse 1:

G7M Bm7 A4 I am clothed in a coat of many colors G7M Bm7 A4 I am wrapped in the light G7M Bm7 A4 I am held in the arms of a loving Father


G7M Who was lying in a pit Bm7 A4 But I'm walking the palace now G7M Bm7 A4 'Cause once I was a beggar, now I live in the King's house
G D Because, red is the blood that saved me A Bm7 White was the light that pulled me from the dark G D A Gold was the crown You placed upon my head Bm7 That showed me who You are G D With mercy and grace A Bm7 Oh, I've been embraced like no other G D/F# I gave You my heart A You gave mе a coat of many colors ( G D A ) ( G D A )

Verse 2:

G Bm7 A4 Sometimes your worst enеmies turn out to be your brothers G Bm7 A4 I know You understand G Bm7 A4 I've got dreams that can seem to give me trouble


G7M Who was lying in a pit Bm7 A4 But I'm walking the palace now G7M Bm7 A4 'Cause once I was a beggar, now I live in the King's house
G D Because, red is the blood that saved me A Bm7 White was the light that pulled me from the dark G D A Gold was the crown You placed upon my head Bm7 That showed me who You are G D With mercy and grace A Bm7 Oh, I've been embraced like no other G D/F# I gave You my heart A You gave mе a coat of many colors G D Bm A G D Bm7 Many colors A G D Bm7 Many colors A G D Bm7 A Many colors


G D Bm I wear my coat everywhere I go A I wear my coat G I want the world to know D I wear my coat Bm A Everywhere I go I wear my coat G I want the world to know D I wear my coat Bm A Everywhere I go I wear my coat G I want the world to know D I wear my coat Bm A Everywhere I go I wear my coat G I want the world to know
D Red is the blood that saved me A Bm7 White was the light that pulled me from the dark G D A Gold was the crown You placed upon my head Bm7 That showed me who You are G D With mercy and grace A Bm7 Oh, I've been embraced like no other G D/F# I gave You my heart A You gave mе a coat of many colors ( G D Bm ) A G D Bm7 Many colors A Many colors Final G7M Bm7 A4 G7M Bm7 A4

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See also:

chords Rommel Guevarra - Ikaw Lamang

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