Broder Daniel

Army Of Dreamers

Broder Daniel

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Army Of Dreamers

Written by Henrik Berggren/Broder Daniel

Intro: Am C G F G Am (2x) 


We´re not strange 
C          G           
We´re just sleeping 
F           G     Am       
We all just drift around 
We´re not trying 
C      G 
We are dreaming 
F            G      Am 
We all blend in the crowd 

Am           G 
Down my head turns 
       C          G 
But in heart fire burns 
        Am      G 
Down my head it turns 
   F     G    Am 
In heart fire burns 

C                      G 
We´re the army of dreamers 
G                 Am 
We´re the idle people 
Am                          G 
We´re the ones that make no sound 
G                  Am 
Waiting in the background 

Am C G F G Am (2x) 

Am           G 
Down my head turns 
       C          G 
But in heart fire burns 
        Am      G 
Down my head it turns 
   F     G    Am 
In heart fire burns 

C                     G 
We´re the army of dreamers 
G              Am 
We´re the idle people 
Am                        G 
We´re the ones that don´t count 
G              C 
Waiting in the background 
C                          G 
But we are mirrors to this world 
G                  Am 
We speak, if we´re heard 
Am                     G 
But we bleed, if we´re hurt 
G                       Am 
And we seethe, if we´re burned 

Am C-G F G-Am (4x)

C                     G 
We´re the army of dreamers 
G              Am 
We´re the idle people 
Am                        G 
We´re the ones that don´t count 
G              C 
Waiting in the background 
C                          G 
But we are mirrors to this world 
G                  Am 
We speak, if we´re heard 
Am                     G 
But we bleed, if we´re hurt 
G                       Am 
And we seethe, if we´re burned 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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