Bryan Martin

Everyone's An Outlaw

Bryan Martin

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Everyone's An Outlaw

	  		Intro:  Em  G  D  A    
        Em  G  D  A  

Verse 1:

Em G I was raised up by a simple man D A I grew up with a gun in my hand Em G Taught me how to love and how to fight D A Taught me what's wrong, taught me what's right Em G He said you don't have the choice to choose D A Do what you can, and don't ever lose Em G D Just remember even when i'm dead and gone
Em G Stick to your gun son, make me proud D A Don't ever back up, don't ever back down Em G D Stand your ground and always tell it like it is Em G Cause' this life can be real damn tough D A You take them scars, and you call that bluff Em G D Don't let me catch you fittin' in Em G D Em G D Cause' everyone's an outlaw til it's time to do outlaw shit

Verse 2:

Em G Well the times have changed but not for me D A I got my own home now, and a family Em G Two calloused hands, and some old work boots D A Bustin' my ass, payin' my dues Em G I tell my kids every night D A Try to see the world through your neighbor's eyes Em G D But make a difference if you can
Em G Stick to your gun son, make me proud D A Don't ever back up, don't ever back down Em G D Stand your ground and always tell it like it is Em G Cause' this life's gonna be real damn tough D A You take them scars, and you call that bluff Em G D Don't let me catch you fittin' in Em G D Em G D Cause' everyone's an outlaw til it's time to do outlaw shit
( Em G D A )
Em G Stick to your gun son, make me proud D A Don't ever back up, don't ever back down Em G D Stand your ground and always tell it like it is Em G Yeah this life's gonna be real damn tough D A You take them scars, and you call that bluff Em G D Don't let me catch you fittin' in Em G D Em G D Cause' everyone's an outlaw til it's time to do outlaw shit Em G D A Em Til it's time to do outlaw shit

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