Buddy Miller

Wide River To Cross

Buddy Miller

cavaco Expert expert


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Wide River To Cross

Year: 2004 - Album: Universal United House of Prayer

	  		Intro:  G   D   G   D   Asus2   G   D  Dsus-D 

          G              D 
There's a sorrow in the wind 
      G                   D 
Goin' down the road I've been 
      Em                 G                 D   Dsus-D 
I can hear it cry while shadows steal the sun 
       G              D 
But I cannot go back now 
              G             D 
I've come too far to turn around 
            Em           G                 D   Dsus-D 
And there's still a race ahead that I must run 

Bm A D I'm only half way home Bm A D I gotta journey on Em G D Dsus-D To where I'll find the things that I have lost Bm A D I've come a long, long road Bm D But still I've got miles to go Em G D Dsus-D I've got a wide, wide river to cross
Intro I have stumbled I have strayed You can trace the tracks I've made All across the memories my heart recalls But I'm just a refugee Won't you say a prayer for me Because sometimes even the strongest soldier falls CHORUS I've got a wide, wide river to cross

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