Cameron Mitchell

Where Christmas Is Found

Cameron Mitchell

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Where Christmas Is Found


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G e-----------------------------| b-----x----x------x--------x--| G-----x----x------x--------x--| D-----------------------------| A--x----x---------------------| E--------------x-------x------|
Intro: C F C F C Merry Christmas I'll be coming home soon F Breaking my back just to see you C F and I don't mind C Waiting here it's harder than it seems F Please come home dear it's Christmas Eve C F and I don't mind
G C For its not Christmas you're not here G C I'll be home soon don't you fear dear G C We will always find each other when it counts G 'Cause in you Christmas is found C F C F Oooo
C The fires burning and it's cold outside F I'll stay up waiting until dawns first light C F and I don't mind C Dreaming about Christmas Day F So excited i can hardly wait C F and I don't mind Chorus (2x)

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