Carole King

HardRock Cafe

Carole King

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HardRock Cafe

	  		Intro:  G  C  F  G  F  C  F  G  F

        C        F        G      F C  F  G  F
    1. Downtown anywhere in the USA
                C        F   G  F           C  F  G  F
       You can find yourself a Hard Rock Cafe
        C        F          G      F          C   F  G  F
       Put your money on a number anyone can play
        Am                  C              F                 G
       Come on and tell us all about what happened to you today

                         C   F  G
 Ref.: At the Hard Rock Cafe
                    F         C   F  G  F
       Come to the Hard Rock Cafe
          C            F         G
       I hope you can find your way
               F         C   F  G  F
       To the Hard Rock Cafe
    2. After a hard day's work I guarantee
       There just isn't anywhere better to be
       If you're unable to find good company
       You can always sit down and watch the color TV 
 Ref.: At the Hard Rock Cafe
       Come to the Hard Rock Cafe
       The regulars can't keep away
       From the Hard Rock Cafe 

        C  F  G  F  C  F  G  F  (4x)
Intro: (Instrumental)

        Am                                   C
Intro: And if you feeling just a little bit lonely
        Am                     D
       Don't sit at home just hoping
        F                         C
       Come on down to where the spirit flows so free
        Am            D              G
       You know that door is always open
 Ref.: At the Hard Rock Cafe
       Come to the Hard Rock Cafe
       They will help keep your blues at day
       At the Hard Rock Cafe

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:

chords Bryan Ferry - The 'In' Crowd

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