Charlie Simpson

Dont I Hold You

Charlie Simpson

cavaco Easy easy


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Dont I Hold You

	  		i think this is a cover of some old song but the chords for that don't seem to be on here either 
charlie does it better anyway ;) 
i just worked them out myself by ear so here they are 


Intro C F x2 

C                          F                        C 
Don't i hold you like you want to be held 
                           F                      C 
And don't i treat you like you want 
And don't i love you like you want to be loved 
           C              F 
And you're running away 
And what's your name 
     F                   C 
Like i'm in the way 
                          F                       C 
Don't i hold you like you want to be held 
                   F                           C 
Don't i please you like you want 
And don't i love you like you want to be loved 
And you're running away 
And what's your name 
Like i'm in the way 
And wasting too much time 

INTERLUDE   C  F  x5 (stay on C...) 
        F           C 
Don't iiiiiiiii 
       F            C 
Don't I 
                  F                   C 
Don't i hold you like you want 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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