Chris Hillman

Backs Against The Wall

Chris Hillman


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Backs Against The Wall

	  		G           C              D       G 
How can you tell if he's a worried man 
       D           G            C           D 
By the way that he walks by the way that he stands 
     G           C            D      G  
He's working his way thru the family plan 
C                                    D 
Hands on the wheel he'll spin in the sand  ?? 
         G        C        D         G      
And they love him in their own small way 
     D       G             C         D 
The children listen to the songs he plays 
    G        C          D     G 
The past you just can't hide away 
C                       C    D 
A dream hangin on from yesterday 
          G      C           D       G 
When your back's against the wall tonight 
        Em                 C       
And you won't surrender without a fight 
G                D          Em 
And it's so far past what's wrong and right 
          C                  D      G 
When your back's against the wall tonight 
D                                 C       G  
Oh what keeps you going thru the long dark night 
Em                      Bm 
What gives this man the will to survive 
D                     C            G 
And break on thru and make it all right  
          C                  D 
When your back's against the wall 
    G             C                D         G 
So button up your coat against the cold cold wind 
         D      G     C       D 
Theres's no guarantte anybody wins 
G                  C 
Too much about the money 
C   D              G    
Too much about the sin 
     C                                       D 
Your banking that the wheel will turn over again  
          G      C           D       G 
When your back's against the wall tonight 
        Em                  C    
And you won't surrender without a fight 
G               D            Em 
And it's so far past what's wrong and right 
          C                  D     
When your back's against the wall  
          D                  C       G 
When your back's against the wall tonight 
        Em                  C 
And you won't surrender without a fight 
G           D               Em 
And it's so far past what's wrong and right 
          C                  D      G 
When your back's against the wall tonight 
From Chris Hillman  "Like A Hurricane" 
Sugar Hill Records 1998 
Bar None Music/Me And My House Music(BMI) 


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