Chris Hillman


Chris Hillman

cavaco Easy easy


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G          Em      C                D 
I'm restless  like every other man alive 
          G      Em  C               D 
I'm still restless   keeping myself alive 
       Cmaj7               D          B7                   Em 
As the world keeps closing in over my shoulders where I've been 
        A7               Am                D 
I'll be restless until I find it reach the end 

Oh darling, won't you stand by me 
And I walk through the years and share what's meant to be 
We will never surrender we will never give in 
Always forgiving, we'll be together until we finally reach the end 

G               G7                 C                  A 
I'm weary, I'm unable, sometimes I stumble and I'm unstable 
        G  D       C            G 
I carry on just to rest in your arms 

I've been blessed with a good life giving more than I deserve 
Did I really make a difference, have I lived every word 
Of the dangers that rustle every line and every cur 
Keeps me restless until I finally write a word 

I'm in no hurry, got no worries, just try to be the best I can 
I carry on just to rest in your arms 

I carry on just to rest in your arms 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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