Cleo Laine

Georgia On My Mind

Cleo Laine

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Georgia On My Mind

Written by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell

Intro: C Edim Dm7 G7  C Cdim Dm7 G7 G7/13-   

C       E7        Am7                F     Fm 
Georgia,  Georgia,  the whole day through 
         C        Edim       Dm7     G7       C   
Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind 
Dm7            G7 
Georgia on my mind 
C        E7        Am7           F   Fdim 
Georgia,   Georgia,   a song of you 
          C        Edim      Dm7      G7       C    F    Fm   C E7 
Comes as sweet and clear as moonlight on the pines 
Am7   Dm7       Am7    F   Am7   Dm7        Am7   D7 
Other arms reach out to me, other eyes smile tenderly 
Am7         F      C       Cdim    Am7        Gdim     Dm7  G7  G7/13- 
Still in peaceful dreams I see the road leads back to you 
  C      E7         Am7            F      Fdim  
Georgia,    Georgia,   no peace I find 
          C        Edim       Dm7     G7      C    F    Fm    C  E7 
Just and old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind 
Am7   Dm7       Am7    F   Am7   Dm7        Am7   D7 
Other arms reach out to me, other eyes smile tenderly 
Am7         F      C       Cdim    Am7        Gdim     Dm7  G7 G7/13- 
Still in peaceful dreams I see the road leads back to you 
C        E7         Am7            F     Fdim     
Georgia,    Georgia,   no peace I find 
        C         Edim       Dm7     G7      C    E7    A7 
Just and old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind 
         Dm7        F                      G      G7M G6   C    F Fm  C G C7M/9 
Just and old sweet song keeps  Georgia on my mind 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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