Cleo Laine

Honeysuckle Rose Fats Waller

Cleo Laine

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Honeysuckle Rose Fats Waller

Written by Honeysuckle Rose Fats Waller

Em7/9 Em7 G/B   A7  Em7/9 Em7  G/B A7  
Ev'ry     honey bee fills with  jealousy  
Em7               Bb9      A7  
When they see you out with me   
Em7/9 Em7  A4/7  A7/9   D      D6   D7 G  
I    don't blame them, goodness knows   
Bb7     A7      D    A7 D Fdim  
Honeysuckle rose 
Em7/9 Em7   G/B     A7  Em7/9 Em7  G/B        A7  
When you're passing by, flowers    droop and sigh  
Em7   G/B      Bb9    A7  
And I know the reason why   
Em7/9  Em7  A4/7 A7/9   D  D6   D7   G  
You're much sweeter, goodness knows  
Bb7  A7      D  
Honeysuckle Rose  
D7   Gdim Fdim  D7    G6      Am7      Cdim     G6  
Don't buy sugar     you just have to touch my cup  
E7    Cdim Edim  E7       G/B            Cdim    A7  
You're my  sugar,   it's sweet when you stir it up  
Em7/9 Em7 G/B     A7  Em7/9 Em7 G/B    A7  
When  I'm takin' sips from your tasty    lips  
Em7        G/B   Bb9     A7  
Seems like honey fairly drips  
Em7/9  Em7  A4/7 A7/9 D      D6   D7 G  
You're confection, goodness  knows  
 Bb7  A7    D    D7 G Gdim D A7/13- D9  
Honeysuckle Rose 

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