Cleo Laine

I Cover The Waterfront

Cleo Laine

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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I Cover The Waterfront

Written by Johnny Green and Edward Heyman

Intro: D7M  G6 F#m7 Fdim D7M G6 F#m7 Fdim  

G6                   Bb9       G6               Bb9 
Away from the city    the hurts and knocks 
     G6            Bb9          G6            Bb9 
I'm standing alone by the desolate docks 
        G6            Bb9          G      Bb9 
In the still and the chill of the night 
G6                Bb9        G6             Bb9 
I see the horizon,   the great unknown 
    G6                  Bb9                G6       Bb9 
My heart has an ache, it's as heavy as stone  
              G6             Bb9               G6 
Will the dawn coming on make it last 

Em7/9 Em7      A7/13       A7  D7M      G6       F#m7 Fdim 
I cover the waterfront,        I'm watching the sea 
Em7      G/B         A7     D6     Cdim    D   D6 
Will the one that I love be coming back to me 
Em7/9 Em7       A7/13       A7  D         G           F#m7 Fdim 
I   cover the waterfront,          in search of my love 
        Em7          G/B       A7   D     Gm  D 
And I'm covered by a deep blue sky above 

Em7    A7  D7M        B7 
Here am I, patiently waiting 
Em7         A7              D7M        Bm7 
Hoping and longing  oh, how I yearn 
B7                        E7M          C#m 
Where are you,   are you forgetting 
A           B7              A7/13        A7 
Do you remember,   will you return 
Em7/9 Em7      A7/13      A7      D          F#m7      
I  cover the waterfront,    I'm watching the sea 
 Fdim       Em          Em7         G        A4/7     A7  D 
'Cause the one that I love will soon come back  to me 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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