David Hasselhoff

California Girls

David Hasselhoff

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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California Girls


B A B 

Verse 1:

B Well East coast girls are hip A I really dig those styles they wear E And the Southern girls with the way they talk F# They knock me out when I’m down there B A The mid-west farmers daughters really make you feel alright E And the northern girls with the way they kiss F# They keep their boyfriends warm at night
B C#m I wish they all could be California girls A Bm (I wish they all could be Californian) G Am B I wish they all could be California girls

Verse 2:

B The West coast has the sunshine A And the girls all get so tanned E I dig a French bikini on Hawaii island dolls F# By a palm tree in the sand B I been all around this great big world A And I’ve seen all kinds of girls E Yeah but I couldn’t wait to get back in the states F# Back to the cutest girls in the world
B C#m I wish they all could be California girls A Bm (I wish they all could be Californian) G Am B I wish they all could be California girls Interlude B F# Outro B C#m I wish they all could be California girls (I wish they all could be Californian) B C#m I wish they all could be California girls (I wish they all could be Californian) B C#m I wish they all could be California girls (I wish they all could be Californian) B C#m I wish they all could be California girls (I wish they all could be Californian)

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Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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