Dixie Chicks

Just A Bit Like Me

Dixie Chicks

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Just A Bit Like Me

	  		Dixie Chicks - Just A Bit Like Me 
nd Fret 
 ##  Optional Bass Walk Down in the Chorus  ## 
 ##  * * * = walk down from G to Em  ## 
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Walk Down: G Em e--3-----------0---| B--0-----------0---| G--0-----------0---| D--0-----------2---| A--2--0--------2---| E--3-----3--2--0---|
Intro: G C G C G It's six o'clock in the morning C G The sun was ready to rise C Am And as she closes his lunchbox D G She spies the sun in his eyes C G She stays at home with the baby C G She's got a dream in her heart C Am Somewhere her sister is singing D G A night is ready to start Chorus: One's choosin' and one's cruisin' C G Down the highway of their dreams Am Bm While songs are sung, her dream's begun C D And she thinks of what it means C D To live through her voice, she made a choice G * * * Em Am But neither one is free Bm Am I a lot like her C G C G Am G Or is she just a bit like me? C G Three o'clock in the morning C G I got an ache in my head C Am I throw my clothes in the corner D G Then sleep alone in my bed C G Tomorrow we'll go to Texas C G I hear it's sunny back home C Am There ain't no use in pretending D G I know that I gotta roam Chorus: One's choosin' and one's cruisin' C G Down the highway of their dreams Am Bm While songs are sung, her dream's begun C D And she thinks of what it means C D To live through her voice, she made a choice G * * * Em Am But neither one is free Bm Am I a lot like her C G C Or is she just a bit like me? Instrumental: G C G Am Bm C D C D G Em Am Bm C D G C G Am G C G She puts her cans in the pantry C G I read my name in the news C Am She spends her days sewing curtains D G I feel there's no time to lose C G Well, it's a long way to Nashville C G But then the garden is dry C Am If we could do it all over D G Oh, would we still be satisfied? Chorus: One's choosin' and one's cruisin' C G Down the highway of their dreams Am Bm While songs are sung, her dream's begun C D And she thinks of what it means C D To live through her voice, she made a choice G * * * Em Am But neither one is free Bm Am I a lot like her C G C Am Or is she just a bit like me? Bm Am I a lot like her C D G C G C G Or is she just a bit (just a bit), just a bit like me_____?

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