Drive-By Truckers

Margo And Harold

Drive-By Truckers

cavaco Easy easy


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Margo And Harold

Written by Mike Cooley/Drive-By Truckers/Patterson Hood

        Em7     Fmr     G         Cadd9 
I don't want to go to dinner with Margo and Harold. 
        Em7      Fmr     G      Cadd9 
I don't like the way he looks at you,  
        Em7     Fmr              G        Cadd9 
and the way she looks at me, the way they look at each other 
           Em7    Fmr   G            Cadd9 
Like we're just part of some private joke. 

        Em7     Fmr     G         Cadd9 
I don't want to go to dinner with Margo and Harold. 
   Em7    Fmr G        Cadd9 
no matter how good the food. 
        Em7  Fmr     G           Cadd9 
I don't want to make small talk, innuendo, 
   Em7  Fmr G                Cadd9 
or go for a ride in Harold's Corvette. 

Bm                            E 
I'm scared of the basement of Harold's Pawn Shop, 
     Bm                  Em 
I've heard tales of what goes down there. 
Bm               Em                Bm          Em 
Mid-life crises, high on Dilauded, Valium, and crystal meth. 

  Cadd9           D 
Harold and Margo, feeling no pain 
 Cadd9           D 
Fifty and crazy, big hair and cocaine. 

        Em7  Fmr    G                Cadd9 
If they call on the phone, tell them I'm not home. 
        Em7     Fmr     G         Cadd9 
That night with Margo was a long time ago. 
         Em7    Fmr G        Cadd9 
It makes me nervous how much Harold knows, 
    Em7 Fmr G                Cadd9 
and the way that he looks at you. 

        Em7     Fmr     G        Cadd9 
I don't want to see why Harold's now skinny. 

        Em7  Fmr    G       Cadd9 
I don't want to see Margo's bikini. 
      Em7  Fmr        G        Cadd9 
So if they call, tell them you ain't seen me  
   Em7  Fmr    G        Cadd9 
or that I'm in too much pain. 
  Cadd9           D 
Harold and Margo, taking aim. 
   Cadd9          D 
Horny and loaded, big-hair and cocaine. 

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