Drive-By Truckers

Tails Facing Up

Drive-By Truckers

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Tails Facing Up

Written by Mike Cooley/Drive-By Truckers/Patterson Hood

G                                             Cadd9 
Me and my brother's old lady went out and got stinking, 
she solved her curiosities about me by the railroad tracks. 
    G                                            Cadd9 
She said I reminded her of him before he started drinking 
    G                      D                         G 
and banging the babysitter every time she turned her back. 

Cadd9                                         G 
We opened up the sunroof and smoked a big ole joint 
and drank a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon 
listening to the crickets and trains. 
Cadd9                                    G        Cadd9 
Every so often she'd lapse into narcotic rambling. 
Asus2            Em7       Asus2             Cadd9 
Moon and mascara.         I've always been a holy terror. 
Asus2               G     Cadd9   
Temptations lurking every where.  
        Asus2                 Cadd9 
If your mind's in the gutter, Beware! 
You'll find me there. 

G                                      Cadd9 
Me and a friend were talking after the funeral. 
She said it should have been me but I'm still around  
    G                                              Cadd9 
and I been so wild, I'm surprised I made it to the seventh grade, 
    G                   D            G 
and all my dead friends have settled down. 

Cadd9                                        G 
My eyes were puffy and she asked if I'd been crying. 
        G                                    D 
I said 'tears are for pussies' but who was I kidding. 
Cadd9                                   G        Cadd9 
So we stopped at the bar and drank them dry.  
Asus2            Em7       Asus2             Cadd9 
Beer and tequila.         I've always been a thrill seeker.  
Asus2             G            Cadd9   
But thrills are a dime a dozen these days. 
      Asus2                      Cadd9 
And I found a dime in the gutter today.  
Asus2                  G           Cadd9  
Tails facing up. Still fucking up. Still fucking up. 
G                                                    Cadd9 
A funny thing happened on my way to a strange way of thinking. 

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