
Amazing Shepherd


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Amazing Shepherd

Written by Eterna

Bm Bm/C Bm/C# Bm/D Bm/E F#  A F# Bm  

Verse 1:

A F#m D So, i'm in that direction A F#m D To fly eternally A F#m D So distant from the reason A F#m Em The tears of blood over me


A G Bm The reason became a new emotion G Bm Your heart doesn't belong to this century G Bm Keeping the strong arm of affection G A F#7 Sometimes, my courage betrays me
B G#m And overnight, the silence goes on Bbm Ebm You know, he was, he is and he'll always be B G#m And dreaming about perfection, love and peace Bbm You're looking forward for something, Ebm G#m C# F# Bm Oh!! amazing shepherd A F#m D I know this whole connection A F#m D Between you and mankind's heartbeat A F#m D You know love's affection A F#m Em First disciple that will begin


A G Bm The reason became a new emotion G Bm Your heart doesn't belong to this century G Bm Keeping the strong arm of affection G A F#7 Sometimes, my courage betrays me Outro B G#m And overnight, the silence goes on Bbm Ebm You know, he was, he is and he'll always be B G#m And dreaming about perfection, love and peace Bbm You're looking forward for something, Ebm Oh!! amazing shepherd B G#m And overnight, the silence goes on Bbm Ebm You know, he was, he is and he'll always be B G#m And dreaming about perfection, love and peace Bbm You're looking forward for something, Ebm B C C# F# Oh!! amazing shepherd Instrumental Em Bm Em Bm F#m E B C Bm

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