Falling Up

Aeva And The Waving World

Falling Up

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Aeva And The Waving World

Intro: C#m B A F#m (4x) 


  C#m                                  C#m 
I cut my ties at the end of a catatonic  
       C#m                         C#m 
When I woke up shaking like a blaze 
   C#m                                     C#m 
At first my heart it beat like a helicopter 
    C#m                                           C#m 
But soon it blurred like the lights on the freeway 
   C#m                         B                     C#m 
It bloomed with an opened wound, like an opened wound 

C#m B A F#m(2x) C#m B A F#m Now walk the Earth
C#m B A F#m Verse C#m C#m All it takes is a golden angle C#m C#m Or a golden head of an arrowed light C#m C#m Cause an arrow points to a lie that they spoke C#m C#m And a new angle in great in a fight C#m B Blooms from an open wound
C#m B A F#m C#m B A F#m Now walk the Earth C#m B A F#m Now walk the Earth C#m B A F#m Now walk the Earth
Bridge C#m C#m G#m C#m C#m C#m G#m C#m B A F#m(2x)
C#m B A F#m Now walk the Earth (10x)
Refrain C#m Cause an arrow points to a lie that they spoke(3x) C#m B C#m B Cause an arrow points to a lie that they spoke (2x)

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:

chords Rommel Guevarra - Ikaw Lamang

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