
Blue Monday


cavaco Beginner beginner

by  RAV88

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Blue Monday

	  		Treat me like you do 
Intro: F C Dm Dm G C Dm Dm 

F   C       Dm   
How does it feel 
   G        C        Dm 
To treat me like you do 
            F         C     Dm 
When you've laid your hands upon me 
    G       C       Dm 
And told me who you are 

F           C   Dm 
I thought I was mistaken 
  G         C          Dm 
I thought I heard your words 
     F      C    Dm 
Tell me how do I feel 
        G       C    Dm 
Tell me now how do I feel 

F   C       Dm   
How does it feel 
   G        C        Dm 
To treat me like you do 
            F         C     Dm 
When you've laid your hands upon me 
    G       C       Dm 
And told me who you are 

F           C   Dm 
I thought I was mistaken 
  G         C          Dm 
I thought I heard your words 
     F      C    Dm 
Tell me how do I feel 
        G       C    Dm 
Tell me now how do I feel 

F         C    Dm 
Those who came before me 
G     C             Dm 
Lived through their vocations 
         F       C        Dm      
From the past until completion 
        G      C     Dm 
They'll turn away no more 

      F     C       Dm 
And I still find it so hard 
   G          C       Dm 
To say what I need to say 
        F          C           Dm 
But I'm quite sure that you'll tell me 
     G     C            Dm 
Just how I should feel today 

F       C           Dm 
I see a ship in the harbor 
G         C      Dm 
I can and shall obey 
          F      C           Dm 
But if it wasn't for your misfortune 
         G        C        Dm 
I'd be a heavenly person today 

F           C   Dm 
I thought I was mistaken 
  G         C          Dm 
I thought I heard your words 
     F      C    Dm 
Tell me how do I feel 
        G       C    Dm 
Tell me now how do I feel 

Outro: same as Intro 

Treat me like you do 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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