Frank Sinatra

What A Wonderful World

Frank Sinatra

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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What A Wonderful World

Written by Bob Thiele / George David Weiss

	  		Intro: G Em7 Am7 D7/9- G Em7 Am7 D7/9- 

G      C        G      F          C              Dm7         Em       E7         Am7    
I see trees of green, red roses, too, I see them bloom for me and for you 
       F             F# G           G7       C 
And I think to myself,    "It's a wonderful world" 
G      C         G    F         C 
I see skies of blue, clouds of white 
     Dm7           Em            E7           Am7    
The bright blessed days and the dark sacred nights 
       F               F#  G              C 
And I think to myself, "What a wonderful world" 
     G                          C 
The colors of the rainbow, so bright up in the sky 
     G                      C 
Are also on the faces of people passin' by 
        Am             Em              Am        Em 
I see friends shakin' hands, sayin', "How do you do" 
 Am             Em      D7M  Am  G   G        C     G         F          C 
They're really sayin',  "I love you." I hear babies cry, and watch them grow 
         Dm7          Em        E7           Am7    
They'll learn so much more than I will ever know 
       F              F# G                  C 
And I think to myself, "It's a wonderful world" 

Interlude: G C G F C Dm7 Em E7 Am7 F F# G G7 C G C G F C Dm7 Em E7 Am7 F F# G C 

     G                          C 
The colors of the rainbow, so bright up in the sky 
     G                      C 
Are also on the faces of people passin' by 
        Am             Em              Am         Em 
I see friends shakin' hands, sayin',  "How do you do" 
 Am             Em      DM7  Am  G   G        C     G         F          C 
They're really sayin',  "I love you." I hear babies cry, and watch them grow 
         Dm7          Em        E7           Am7    
They'll learn so much more than I will ever know 
       F              F# G                   C 
And I think to myself, "It's a wonderful world" 
G      C       G          F         C 
I hear babies cry, and watch them grow 
        Dm7           Em        E7           Am7    
They'll learn so much more than I will ever know 
       F               F#  G              C    C/B  A7 
And I think to myself, "What a wonderful world" 
        F               F# G                      C 
Yes, I think to myself, "What a wonderful world"

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Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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