Freya Ridings

Down In Flames

Freya Ridings

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Down In Flames

verse 1 
Slippin' off the edge 
Cmaj7/G   Em7/G 
Out of....phase 
Watchin' you pretend 
Cmaj7/G    Em7/G 
We're..... okay 

      Em         Cmaj7/G      Em7/G 
Every weekend we hitchhike to hell 
        Em   Cmaj7/G  Em7/G 
And you only think of yourself 

Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G If we're going down, we're going down in flames Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G Flyin' round the highway, we're tryna get away Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G Don't speak, I'll try and save us from ourselves Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G If were going down, we're going down in flames
verse 2 Em Burning on your tongue Cmaj7/G Em7/G Every ......minute Em We were too young Cmaj7/G Em7/G Couldn't...... see it Pre-Chorus Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G Every weekend we hitchhike to hell Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G And you only think of yourself
Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G If we're going down, we're going down in flames Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G Flyin' round the highway, we're tryna get away Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G Don't speak, I'll try and save us from ourselves Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G If were going down, we're going down in flames
Bridge Em7/G Cmaj7/G Em .........Do you dream about me D Cmaj7/G Looking to buy gold Em ......Do you dream about me D About me, Oh Oh
Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G If we're going down, we're going down in flames Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G Flyin' round the highway, we're tryna get away Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G Don't speak, I'll try and save us from ourselves Em Cmaj7/G Em7/G If were going down, we're going down in flames

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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