Green Day

Boy Scout Song

Green Day

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Boy Scout Song


verse 1 
G                       C                 D 
Well, I went camping and I caught poison oak, 
G                                C                   D 
Calamine lotion makes me look like a pink joke 
Em          D            C                 G 
What’s so embarrassing is where I’ve got the itch 
Em         D              C                 G 
I caught it going #2 hangin’ over a ditch 

Chorus Em G Em G It itches when I sit down and when the flame goes out Em D G I hope it’s gone before the venture girls find out
Interlude G G C D G G C D verse 2 G C D The phrase that we're known for is to 'Be Prepared' G C D We’re supposed to play 'dead' when we see a bear Em D C G I don't tell anyone but that's the craziest thing I've heard Em D C G He’ll eat you up and make you into a turd
Chorus Em G Em G If I see a bear I’ll try to be in a 'dead stance' Em D G But I’ll probably poop in my pants
Instrumental G G C D G G C D G G C D G G C D Em D C G Em D C G verse 3 G C D In all seriousness, you guys are really cool G C D t’s noble and impressive we’re so proud of you Em D C G Men of integrity, woman of honor Em D C G In the same class as Neil Armstrong and Gerald Ford
Chorus Em G Em G It’s something so commendable, you really should be proud Em D G I'm honored to perform for such a crowd
Interlude G G C D G G C D
Chorus Em G Em G It’s something so commendable, you really should be proud Em D G Give yourselves a round applause and make it loud.
Ending G G Cadd9 D G G Cadd9 D G

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