Guy Clark

A Nickel For The Fiddler

Guy Clark


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A Nickel For The Fiddler

Written by Guy Clark

	  		            F              G               C              F  
Well it's a nickel for the fiddler, It's a nickel for his tune 
       C              F                       G 
It's a nickel for the tambourine kind of afternoon 
           F        G          C       F 
And it's a high holiday on the 21st of June 
         C             F               G           C  
And it's country music in the park and everybody's ruined 
Instrumental break 
Well it's fountains full of dogs and kids and it's freaky apple pie 
And it's the ones who came to play and the ones just passin' by 
And it's coats of many colors and it almost makes me cry 
Lord it's ice cream on a stick And it's somethin' you can buy. 
Instrumental break 
Well it's a fiddler from Kentucky who swears he's 83 
And he's fiddled every contest from here to cripple creek 
And it's old ones and it's yound ones and it's plain they half agreed  
But it's country music in the park as far as they can see 
Instrumental break 
Repeat 1st verse 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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