Guy Clark

The Carpenter

Guy Clark

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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The Carpenter

Written by Guy Clark

verse 1 

       C#m                              B 
Let us now praise a carpenter and the things that he made 
        A                        B 
And the way that he lived by the tools of his trade 
       C#m                          B 
I can still hear his hammer singing ten penny time 
A                              B 
Working by the hour till the day he died 

E Oh he was tough as a crowbar quick as a chisel B C#m B Fair as a plane and true as a level E He was straight as a chalkline and right as a rule B C#m B He was square with the world he took good care of his tools
verse 2 C#m B He said anything that's worth cuttin' down a tree for A B Is worth doin' right don't the Lord love a two by four C#m B Well they asked him how to do something he'd say just like Noah built the ark A B You got to hold your mouth right son and never miss your mark
E Oh he was tough as a crowbar quick as a chisel B C#m B Fair as a plane and true as a level E He was straight as a chalkline and right as a rule B C#m B He was square with the world he took good care of his tools
verse 3 C#m B Oh he worked his hands in wood from the crib to the coffin A B With a care and a love you don't see too often C#m B He built boats out of wood big boats working in a shipyard A B Mansions on the hill and a birdhouse in the backyard
E Oh he was tough as a crowbar quick as a chisel B C#m B Fair as a plane and true as a level E He was straight as a chalkline and right as a rule B C#m B He was square with the world he took good care of his tools

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