Hamilton Luduvice


Hamilton Luduvice

cavaco Advanced advanced


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Key:  Db More
Anytime Key G#G#
Anytime Key AA
Anytime Key A#A#
Anytime Key BB(one step down)
Anytime Key CC(half step down)
Anytime Key DbDb(original key)
Anytime Key DD(half step up)
Anytime Key D#D#(one step up)
Anytime Key EE
Anytime Key FF
Anytime Key F#F#
Anytime Key GG
	  		Intro:  C#7M(9) 

     D#m7(9)  G#7(4/9) 
Your skin 
    C#7M(9) Bb7(13-) 
Your soul 
           D#m7(9)      G#7(4/9)   C#7M(9) Bb7(13-) 
I remember anytime when I'm looking for 
     D#m7(9)  G#7(4/9) 
Your kiss 

    C#7M(9) Bb7(13-) 
Your no 
        D#m7(9)      G#7(4/9)    C#7M(9) C#/B 
I desire anytime even I am cause fall 
F#7M                   Fm7        Bb7(9) 
Whatever the reason love gives me a pain 
  D#m7(9) G#7(4/9) G#m7          C#/B 
I wish love you again again again again 

F#7M                   Fm7       Bb7(9) 
And even if people think that I'm a fool 
  Eb7(9)              G#7(4/9)    G#7(9-) 
I don't really care if I'm loving you 
      D#m7(9)  G#7(4/9) 
Your smile 
     C#7M(9) Bb7(13-) 
Your please 
                D#m7(9)       G#7(4/9)         C#7M(9) Bb7(13-) 
I'll be waiting anytime because I know what it means 
   D#m7(9)  G#7(4/9) 
Your hair 
     C#7M(9) Bb7(13-) 
Your true 
               D#m7(9)          G#7(4/9)    C#7M(9) 
I could handle it anytime like it's something new 

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Half key step downHalf key step down
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