Hillsong Live

My Heart Is Overwhelmed

Hillsong Live

cavaco Beginner beginner

by  FER_G12_89

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My Heart Is Overwhelmed

Written by Dylan Thomas

Intro: C#m  A9  E  C#m  A9  E 

Verse 1:
Perfect in love 
Lord, You came to earth 
   B      C#m 
To rescue me 
    A9      B                E  
And took my place upon that cross 
The stains that held me back 
     B       C#m 
Were washed away 
     A9      B 
You made me whole 

A9 Your love has set B C#m E The broken captives free A9 Your love release B C#m E The chains once binding me A9 B I'm found in Grace A9 E/G# C#m In love's embrace A9 B E My heart is overwhelmed
Verse 2: E I stand redeemed A9 B C#m Your Spirit now alive within my heart A9 B E I walk with You all of my days A9 B C#m I shall live to glorify You God A9 B Hear my soul rejoice Bridge: C#m A E B (3x) C#m A9 E/G# B C#m Sings my soul of how A9 E B Your love has set me free C#m Sings my heart of how A9 E B Your mercy rescued me C#m A9 Hear my cry of endless love E/G# B To my Saviour and to my King A9 B E My Heart is overwhelmed

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Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:

chords Rommel Guevarra - Ikaw Lamang

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