
Reverends Revenge


cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Reverends Revenge

Written by Ian Peter Cullimore/Paul Heaton


Intro 0:00 

G  Bm  C  C 
G  Bm  C  C 

Verse 0:09 

G  Bm  C  C 
G  Bm  C  C 

Chorus 0:17 

C  G  C  G 
C  A  D  D 

Verse 0:26 

G  Bm  C  C 
G  Bm  C  C 

Chorus 0:35 

C  G  C  G 
C  A  D  D 

Bridge 0:44 

G    Bm    C    B A G# 
G    Bm    C    B A G# 

Chorus 0:53 

C  G  C  G 
C  A  D  D 

verse 1:02 

G  Bm  C  C 
G  Bm  C  C 

Chorus 1:11 

C  G  C  G 
C  A  D  D 

At 1:20, end on G 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:

chords Bryan Ferry - The 'In' Crowd

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