
The People Who Grinned



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The People Who Grinned

	  		    Am              Bb
The smiled so much and waved their flags
    Am              C   As she saluted 

to the military band
    Am              Bb
Most of the people failed to see
    Am              C
She had a broken bottle in the other hand

And she took them by surprise
When she took them by the throat
     Bb                         C
And she said "My friend you're not allowed to vote"
But they shook it all off,
With a nervous laugh and cough,
     Bb                         C
"Next time," she said "I'll let those people choke"

The people who grinned themselves to death
Smiled so much they failed to take a breath
And even when their kids were starving
They all thought the queen was charming

She polished all upon the wall
And ran her hands right through her hair  So if the lady took 
the time to call
All the houses on the street would not compare

And she thought it really funny
That she hadn't any money
But those she looked up to, they had,
But they shook it all off
With a nervous laugh and cough
And when they took her riches it was sad


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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:

chords Bryan Ferry - The 'In' Crowd

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