
The Glory Land Way


cavaco Beginner beginner


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The Glory Land Way

(verse 1) 
G                  C                  G 
I'm in the way the bright and shining way  
I'm in the gloryland way 
G                      C           G 
Telling the world that Jesus saves today  
               D7         G 
Yes I'm in the glory-land way 
C G I'm in the glory land way D7 I'm in the glory-land way G C G Heaven is near and the way goeth clear D7 G For I'm in the glory-land way
(verse 2) G C G List to the call, the gospel call today, D7 Get in the glory-land way G C G Wand'rers come home, O hasten to obey D7 G Get in the glory-land way (verse 3) C G Onward I go rejoicing in his love D7 I'm in the glory-land way G C G Soon I shall see him in that home above D7 G Oh I'm in the glory-land way

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