Jamie Mcdell

Mentos Song

Jamie Mcdell

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Mentos Song



Cadd9        G            D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 

Cadd9                   G                               D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 
Feet rolling in the grass looking fun I got a real good tan 
Cadd9                   G                               D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 
Waves rolling on the shore feel the energy is back again 
Cadd9                   G                               D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 
Don't want to wait just want to fall 
Cadd9                   G                               D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 
Tonight I'm happy feeling like I have it all. 
Cadd9                   G                               D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 
I have it all, woah woah 

Em7                         Cadd9 
Dream maker and they call it fresh 
Don't they honey 
G                              D 
Smooth talker in the sun and I'm mystified 
Em7                         Cadd9                               G                D 
Just long enough to breathe now I got myself some time to feel good. 
Em7      Cadd9     G             D 
Dream maker and they call it fresh. 

Cadd9                   G                               D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 
Songs playing in my head make me feel like I'm a sixties kid 
Cadd9                   G                               D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 
Trees pointing out the sets make me feel like I should live like this 
Cadd9                   G                               D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 
Don't want to wait just want to run 
Cadd9                   G                               D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 
Today I'm thankful for the feeling of the sun 
Cadd9                   G                               D Dsus4 D Dsus4 D 
Oh of the sun, woah woah 

Em7                         Cadd9 
Dream maker and they call it fresh 
Don't they honey 
G                              D 
Smooth talker in the sun and I'm mystified 
Em7                         Cadd9                               G                D 
Just long enough to breathe now I got myself some time to feel good. 
Em7      Cadd9     G             D 
Dream maker and they call it fresh. 

Em7              Cadd9 
Stay sharp, stay fresh, stay clear 
          G                                   D 
In the sun and the sky - all we need is right here. 
Em7                 Cadd9 
Stay sharp, stay fresh, no fear 
           G                                 D 
As we take the light and change to high gear. 

Em7              Cadd9 
Stay sharp, stay fresh, stay clear 
          G                                   D 
In the sun and the sky - all we need is right here. 
Em7                 Cadd9 
Stay sharp, stay fresh, no fear 
           G                                 D 
As we take the light. 

Em7                         Cadd9 
Dream maker and they call it fresh 
Don't they honey 
G                              D 
Smooth talker in the sun and I'm mystified 
Em7                         Cadd9                               G                D 
Just long enough to breathe now I got myself some time to feel good. 
Em7      Cadd9     G             D 
Dream maker and they call it fresh. 

Em7              Cadd9 
Stay sharp, stay fresh, stay clear 
          G                                   D 
In the sun and the sky - all we need is right here. 
Em7                 Cadd9 
Stay sharp, stay fresh, no fear 
           G                                 D 
As we take the light and change to high gear. 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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