Jamie Walters

Perfect World

Jamie Walters

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Perfect World

	  		"Perfect World" by Jamie Walters 
Asus4   Dsus2  2x 
Asus4                               Dsus2 
Now when the night falls, I won't be there 
F#m                                   Dsus2 
To cast a shadow on your wall 
Asus4                               Dsus2 
Why do we act thid way, somehow the light of day 
F#m                                       Dsus2 
Makes our trouble seem so small 
F#m            Dsus2       Asus4 
We live and die    like this 
F#m           Dsus2     E 
I dare you to fight for it 
Asus4         Dsus2  F#m                        Asus4               Dsus2  
In a perfect world,   it wouldn't be too late to make it right....uh huh 
Asus4          Dsus2  F#m                Asus4          Dsus2     E 
In a perfect world, I'd be holding you so very tight.....no no 
Ahah ahah, in our perfect world tonight 

verse 2 
If you can lay down your shield, I won't hurt you 
Just let me show you how I feel 
Down deep inside of my heart, you now you left your mark 
No one can say that it's not real 
We live and die like this 
I dare you to fight like for it this time 
(Repeat Chorus) 

A                          E                          D 
The wheel keeps turnin' and we're burnin' in the flames 
D                          F#m 
It's not wrong to hold on to love  
And let go of the pain.... 

(Chords over Chorus) 

(Repeat Chorus) 
Asus4  Dsus2 (A couple of times and end in Asus4) 
In our perfect world tonight 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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