Jamie Walters


Jamie Walters

cavaco Easy easy


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Key:  D More
Why Key AA
Why Key A#A#
Why Key BB
Why Key CC(one step down)
Why Key C#C#(half step down)
Why Key DD(original key)
Why Key D#D#(half step up)
Why Key EE(one step up)
Why Key FF
Why Key F#F#
Why Key GG
Why Key G#G#
verse 1: 
D                A           G          A 
Would have sold my soul for you 
D                A            G              A  
Would have lived my whole life through for you 
D    A                  B            A 
Oh, blood, sweat tears for you 
                Cadd9   G      Cadd9 D 
But you're running away from me 

verse 2:  

D A G A 
Oh rebel, I see you 
D A G A 
In the morning sun 
D A B A 
I try to tell you, I'm the one 
Cadd9 G Cadd9 D 
But you're running away from me 


       Bm                      Fm 
And why do you keep telling me 
      G                  A 
I'm not the one I used to be 
Let me tell you why 

D A G A Why I'm still calling D A G A Why I'm still falling D A G A Why you keep running Cadd9 G Cadd9 D Running away from me
verse 3: D A G A How many times do I need to say (Need to say) D A G A The same thing a different way D A B A Everything I ever do is for you Cadd9 G Cadd9 D Running away from me verse 4: D A G A When I tell you, you're the key (You're the key) D A G A You're everything to me D A B A Every truth I ever knew Cadd9 G Cadd9 D But you're running away from me Pre-Chorus Bm Fm So, why do you keep telling me G A I'm not the one I used to be Let me tell you why
D A G A Why I keep calling D A G A Why that I'm still falling D A B A Why you're still running Cadd9 G Cadd9 D Running away from me Cadd9 G Cadd9 D Running away from me
Pre-Chorus Bm Fm So, why do you keep telling me G A I'm not the one I used to be Let me tell you why Bridge: G A Tell me everything's gonna be alright but G A I just can't spend the night because G A You don't feel, you don't feel G A You don't feel, you don't feel G You don't feel the same way I do
D A G A Why I keep calling D A G A Why that I'm still falling D A B A Why you're still running Cadd9 G Cadd9 D Running away from me D A G A Why I keep calling D A G A Why that I'm still falling D A B A Why you're still running Cadd9 G Cadd9 D Running away from me Cadd9 G Cadd9 D Running away from me Cadd9 G Cadd9 D Running away from me

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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