Jethro Tull

Big Dipper

Jethro Tull


by  MAX(BA)

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Big Dipper

Intro: E  E7  
E and E7  
The mist rolls off the beaches:  
E and E7  
the train rolls into the station.  
E and E7  
Weekend happiness seekers --- pent-up saturation.  
       F#                       E  
Well, we don't mean anyone any harm,  
    C                       B  
we weren't on the Glasgow train.  
E and E7  
See you at the Pleasure Beach: roller-coasting heroes.  
B E F# A B (not too sure about that - they don't play chords)  
Big Dipper riding ---  
we'll give the local lads a hiding  
if they keep us from the ladies  
hanging out in the penny arcades.  
Shaking up the Tower Ballroom  
throwing up in the bathroom.  
Landlady's in the backroom ---  
F#                               E  
I'm the Big Dipper --- it's the weekend...  
A                        E       B  
Big Dipper --- it's the weekend rage.  
E and E7  
Rich widowed landlady give me your spare front door key.  
E and E7  
If you're 39 or over, I'll make love to you next Thursday ---  
F#                     E  
I may stay over for a week or two  
  C                    B  
drop a postcard to my mum.  
E and E7  
I'll see you at the waltzer --- we'll go big-dipping daily.  
B E F# A B (not too sure about that - they don't play chords)  
Big Dipper riding ---  
we'll give the local lads a hiding  
if they keep us from the ladies  
hanging out in the penny arcades.  
Shaking up the Tower Ballroom  
throwing up in the bathroom.  
Landlady's in the backroom ---  
F#                               E  
I'm the Big Dipper --- it's the weekend...  
A                        E  
Big Dipper --- it's the weekend...  
A                        E       B  
Big Dipper --- it's the weekend rage. 


Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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